Treatment Services: VOCA and SATP
The devastating effects of abuse on a child can last a lifetime if left untreated. Since 1993, Manatee Children’s Services has provided mental health counseling programs that specialize in treatment for child abuse victims based on their history of physical and/or sexual abuse.
Our clinical programs use Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) to help children overcome trauma-related difficulties. These programs assist the child, along with non-offending family members, by helping decrease behavior patterns and emotional responses that occur as a result of trauma.
Through the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) program, child victims of crime and their family members engage in mental health counseling to help them heal from the difficult and painful process of being victimized by crime acts.
Through the Sexual Abuse Treatment (SATP) program, victims of child sexual abuse and their family members engage in specialized, community-based, family-centered treatment from a highly qualified sexual abuse therapist. This therapist is supervised by a Licensed Mental Health Therapist who is certified by the Member of the Association for Treatment of Sexual Abuse.
To help clients achieve long-term success, clinicians provide families with therapeutic education to help break the cycle of abuse and help ensure it does not repeat. Children in the treatment program are taught how to recognize safety threats, how and who/when/where to report abuse, and how to protect themselves. They also learn how to recognize grooming practices, use their voice to say no and report abuse, and protect themselves. These strategies reduce the rate of potential abuse in the future.
In the year ending September 30, 2023, 98% of families who received treatment remained free of verified child abuse in the home within 12 months of program completion and 99% within 18 months.

“Our therapist has been more than amazing. My son loves her. At first, he didn’t want to do it and now he asks when he’s going to therapy.”
“Our experience with clinical when my daughter was younger made us reach out and come back again.”
“Tiffany” entered the Non-Offending Caregiver program as a single mother after her child was abused by her partner. Initially she did not believe or support her child after the abuse was disclosed, but after attending group sessions, Tiffany disclosed her own sexual abuse and lack of support. She realized this was a bad feeling and began to see the importance of supporting and protecting her child. Tiffany successfully completed all sessions in the program with a newfound mindset necessary to rebuild the relationship between her and her child.
How to help our SATP and VOCA treatment teams:
- Art therapy supplies
- Sensory tools and toys
- Gift cards to fund therapeutic items as needed
- General monetary donations for unrestricted funds to support ongoing therapeutic tools
For more information on our Treatment programs, contact Celeste Martens, LCSW, Clinical Services Director.

MCS provides a full spectrum of programs serving over 12,000 children and families annually. Since its inception in 1977 as the Manatee County’s first and only emergency shelter for abused children in foster care, MCS has grown to offer programs in treatment, prevention, intervention, and residential services.