Monthly Gifts
Join our most loyal giving community dedicated to breaking the cycle of child abuse
Become a “Pinwheel Pal” with your monthly gift today
Make a lifechanging impact, no matter how big or small.
Pinwheel Pals are a special group of our most valued supporters dedicated to breaking the cycle of child abuse for all children and families in Manatee County.
Pinwheel Pals make small, automatic gifts every month, which makes it easier for Manatee Children’s Services to achieve sustainability, plan for long-term success, budget more efficiently, and change more lives for our most vulnerable populations. Pinwheel Pals choose how much to give and for how long. Gifts may be changed or cancelled at any time.
Become a Pinwheel Pal today and help create better lives for children and families who are victimized by child abuse or are at risk of victimization.

A young male, “Josh,” came to the MCS group home at 16 due to abuse and neglect. He was falling behind in school, had no identification or driver’s permit, never created a resume, and lacked emotional boundaries. Our staff enrolled Josh into therapy through our clinical team, connected him with a new school, helped him get his driver’s license, and watched as he taught younger children in the home how to exercise and cook. We established a connection to a recruiter for him and, as a result, he decided to join the military after graduation. Josh aged out successfully with a brighter future thanks to the care and education he received through MCS. By investing in MCS, your monthly gift helps foster children just like Josh build a bright and stable future.
Why donate to Manatee Children’s Services?
- Supporting child abuse victims improves our society’s financial well-being. The lifetime costs associated with just one year of confirmed child abuse cases are approximately $428 billion. These costs include youth and adult medical care, child welfare, criminal justice, special education, lower academic achievement, and lifelong mental health problems.
- Life skills and resources for foster children in the MCS residential program will help reduce homelessness. An average of 1 in 4 youth in foster care will become homeless within four years of aging out.
- Access to MCS mental health services can provide healing from trauma, leading to success in adulthood. Child abuse victims are more likely to struggle with substance abuse, suffer from mental illness, and spend their working lives sick or disabled. They are also more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, leading to not only a loss of income and opportunity, but also direct costs of $12 to $16 million a year to Florida taxpayers.
What does your monthly gift support?

Email us at for more questions, or donate online.